The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Procurement including bid and proposal management

New and changed skills | Procurement skills view

SFIA 9 skill - name Code Levels SFIA 9 - concise description Changes for SFIA 9
Supplier management SUPP 2 - 7 Aligning the organisation’s supplier performance objectives and activities with sourcing strategies and plans, balancing costs, efficiencies and service quality. No changes.
Sourcing SORC 2 - 7 Managing, or providing advice on, the procurement or commissioning of products and services. Changes to level 6 and level 7 descriptions.
Contract management ITCM 2 - 7 Managing and operating formal contracts, addressing supplier and client needs in product and service provision.

Skill description and guidance notes updated.

New level 2 for entry-level roles.

New level 7 for strategi leadership roles.

Change to skill name and guidance.

Level 3 and level 6 updated.

Bid/proposal management BIDM 3 - 6 Managing preparation and submission of bids and proposals for contracts, grants, projects, or services. New skill.

Procurement skills view

The Australian public sector procurement community has created a "Procurement View" of SFIA skills. This aligns the skills to a procurement lifecycle. You can find a pdf here

    We are interested to hear from others on this and also how we could develop this further e.g. by 

    • refining the skills view
    • sharing illustrative procurement roles and a mapping of SFIA skills and SFIA levels to these roles.
    • developing mappings to relevant industry frameworks (e.g. process frameworks, professional certifications)