The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Broad families of roles in digital health

The digital health sector encompasses a wide range of roles that integrate technology, data, and healthcare to improve patient outcomes and streamline healthcare operations.

These roles can be grouped into several broad families, each with specific job titles and responsibilities. Below is a summary of the types of roles associated with digital health, how they are grouped, and some example role titles.

Patient services

Roles in this family support patient interactions and manage patient data. These roles ensure efficient communication between patients and healthcare providers, and accurate handling of patient information.

  • Example roles: Patient Data Coordinator, Patient Support Specialist, Health Information Officer

Information governance

This family ensures compliance with data protection and governance standards. Roles in this area focus on maintaining the integrity and security of health data, ensuring that all processes comply with relevant regulations.

  • Example roles: Data Protection Officer, Information Governance Manager, Compliance Specialist

Clinical safety

This family focuses on ensuring the safety and effectiveness of clinical systems and processes, often working closely with regulatory standards and protocols.

  • Example roles: Clinical Safety Officer, Clinical Risk Manager, Health Safety Compliance Officer

Cyber security

Roles in this family protect digital health systems from cyber threats. They are responsible for safeguarding sensitive health information against unauthorised access and ensuring robust security measures are in place.

  • Example roles: Cyber Security Analyst, Information Security Manager, Cyber Defence Specialist

Clinical informatics

This family bridges clinical practice and digital technology to improve healthcare delivery. Roles here involve analysing and implementing technological solutions to enhance clinical workflows and patient care.

  • Example roles: Clinical Informatics Specialist, Health IT Consultant, Clinical Data Analyst


Bioinformatics roles are typically involved in the intersection of biology and data science, applying computational techniques to analyse and interpret biological data.

  • Example roles: Bioinformatician, Bioinformatics Scientist, Genomic Data Analyst, Computational Biologist

Digital leadership roles

These roles provide strategic direction and leadership in digital health initiatives. They are responsible for guiding the overall digital strategy and ensuring alignment with organisational goals.

  • Example roles: Chief Digital Officer, Digital Health Director, Digital Transformation Lead

Learning and development

Roles in this family focus on training and developing digital health skills. They design and deliver educational programmes to ensure that healthcare staff are proficient in using digital health technologies.

  • Example roles: Digital Health Trainer, Learning and Development Coordinator, Educational Technologist

Knowledge management

This family includes roles that manage and use healthcare knowledge and information. They work to organise, store, and retrieve critical health information efficiently.

  • Example roles: Knowledge Manager, Health Information Librarian, Clinical Knowledge Specialist


Roles in this family focus on designing and implementing the structural framework of digital health systems. They ensure that all components of the digital health infrastructure work seamlessly together.

  • Example roles: Solution Architect, Health IT Architect, Systems Designer

Data and analytics

This family includes roles that manage, analyse, and govern healthcare data to derive insights and support decision-making. They play a key role in translating data into actionable information.

  • Example roles: Data Analyst, Health Data Scientist, Data Governance Manager

IT operations

Roles in IT operations ensure the smooth functioning of digital health systems and infrastructure. They are responsible for maintaining and supporting IT systems used in healthcare settings.

  • Example roles: IT Operations Manager, Health IT Support Specialist, Systems Administrator

Product and delivery

This family focuses on the development and delivery of digital health products and services. They oversee the lifecycle of digital health solutions from concept to deployment.

  • Example roles: Product Manager, Delivery Lead, Digital Health Project Manager

Quality assurance testing

Roles in this family ensure that digital health products meet quality standards and function correctly. They are involved in testing and validating digital health solutions to ensure reliability and effectiveness.

  • Example roles: Quality Assurance Tester, Health Software Tester, QA Manager

Software development

This family includes roles that develop and maintain software applications for digital health. They design, code, and implement software solutions to meet the needs of healthcare providers and patients.

  • Example roles: Software Developer, Health IT Programmer, Application Developer

User centred design

Roles in this family focus on designing patient-friendly and user-friendly digital health solutions. They ensure that digital health products are intuitive and meet the needs of users.

  • Example roles: UX Designer, User Experience Researcher, Health Interface Designer