#1463 Provide a simple description of each SFIA Level change request pending
Some additional description of each level is necessary to make the Levels of Responsibility easier to understand.
We currently have Level 1 -> Follow -> Full Description of Generic Attributes (or the Behavioural Factors if the BF View is developed).
The jump from the Guiding Phrase (e.g. Follow) to the Full Description (All Generic Attributes /Behavioural Factors) is felt to be too great a step.
An 'interim statement' should be created (one for each level) to help people to understand what the Guiding Phrase (and hence the Level means). Therefore:
- Level (e.g. 1)
- Guiding Phrase (e.g. Follow)
- Level Overview
- (e.g. Something like ... 'Someone operating at this level performs routine tasks under close supervision, follows instructions, and requires guidance to complete their work')
- Level Detailed Description using all Generic Attributes as is)
This is NOT meant to replace the Generic Attributes but to summarise if as a broad description of someone operating at this level.
This is likely to be very helpful to people who are considering what level someone (or themselves) is working at.
Proposed change applies to Levels of responsibility and generic attributes
Current status of this request: pending