#85 New Skill - Coaching/Mentoring change request pending
Transfer of skills and knowledge through hands-on mentoring/coaching is an important part of the professional environment. At present this kind of skills/knowledge transfer is not well articulated by a skill in SFIA.
This could perhaps be better covered through making the expectations of mentoring/coaching clear in the Business Skills part of the LoRs, however there are clearly some people who are better at coaching/mentoring others, and at the senior level this is a recognised skill for managers/executives. Much as Performance Management (PEMT) has been identified as a specific skill, this change suggests consideration of adding Coaching/Mentoring as a specific skill.
Note that this is not the same as the development/exploitation/sharing of expertise found in Technical Specialism (TECH) and not the same as Learning Delivery (ETDL).
An outline description as follows:
Overall description: The transfer of knoweledge/skill to others through shared experiences.
Level 3: Able to transfer own knowledge to support others working at a similar or junior level in the same skill to develop that skill.
Level 4: Leverages own knowledge, and that of others (including the coachee/mentee) to assist in the develop of knowledge and skill related to their own area of competence.
Level 5: Can oversee and coordinate mentoring/coaching. Able to help others develop generical capabilities (e.g. as described by the LoR) as well as in their own and related area of competence.
Level 6: Works with managers, including peers and seniors to support the development of generic and specific capabilities critical to organisational success.
Current status of this request: pending
What we decided
Changes have been made to the generic attributes and levels of responsibilities.
Employee experience and professional development provide some coverage.
We can keep under review to see if they address the need.