The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

#1461 Behavioural Factors View change request pending

Create a Behavioural Factors View of the Levels of Responsibility.

Feed back from discussions with many new and experienced SFIA users. A Behavioural Factors View is wanted. So ...

Create a Behavioural Factors View of the Levels of Responsibility. This should be an alternative 'view' of the LoRs bringing out the Behavioural Factors explicitly - essentially a development of the 'Behavioural Glossary that has been very well liked from SFIA 8.

A key requirement of this is that:

  • A description of the Level must be equivalent in whichever view is chosen to be presented.

Proposed change applies to Levels of responsibility and generic attributes

Current status of this request: pending

Ian Seward (General Manager)
Jun 07, 2023 05:10 PM

While it is important to ensure SFIA 9 is built transparently - this is probably one CR that needs to be progressed quite some way before it is made completely open. I agree it should be presented as an 'alternative view' for those that want to use it. Probably quite tricky to get right but SFIA seems to be in a particularly strong place t bring out more explicitly the BFs that have always been in it building on the glossary.

The progress of this needs to be carefully managed so as not to put out false messages or turn half-formed descriptions out - we need to get to a 'good beta' before this picked up.