#1557 Acceptance criteria as part of REQM change request pending
A prerequisite of acceptance testing is that criteria have been agreed in line with requirements definition
A prerequisite of acceptance testing is that criteria have been agreed as part of user stories and broader requirements definition. I therefore propose that REQM - Requirements definition and management is updated to include defining / agreeing acceptance criteria.
The current skill-level descriptions refer consistently to baseline requirements or the requirements baseline. (Baseline is written as 'base-line' in many places and baseline elsewhere. Suggestion is for no hyphen.) The requirements baseline may be interpreted as the Minimum Viable Product, but acceptance criteria are likely to be different to or 'higher' than the MVP. Suggested changes are to explicitly add "acceptance test criteria" as a phrase to REQM Levels 4 and 5.
(There is less likely to be input to acceptance criteria at skill-level 3 and no input at skill-level 2. Level 6 doesn't currently include any reference to a specific set of requirements, so acceptance criteria is not suggested for this level.)
REQM 4 - last paragraph:
Establishes requirements baselines and proposed acceptance criteria, obtains formal agreement [text deleted] and ensures traceability to source.
REQM 5 last paragraph:
Establishes requirements baselines and agrees acceptance criteria. Ensures changes to requirements are investigated and managed.
Proposed change applies to Requirements definition and management
Current status of this request: pending
Evaluating this request
This suggestion came from a Lead BA in a client (Bank), when we were working together on their SFIA skills profiles.