The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

Application of generic skills to marketing context

This illustrates how some of the more generic SFIA skills can be applied specifically within the marketing context. By illustrating the relevance of these skills, we aim to demonstrate their value and applicability to marketing roles and responsibilities.

Why SFIA skill definitions are useful for marketing professionals

  1. Holistic skill development: SFIA covers a broad range of skills that go beyond traditional marketing. It includes competencies in project management, data analytics, governance, and more, which are crucial for modern marketing strategies.
  2. Structured framework: SFIA provides a structured and consistent approach to defining and developing skills, making it easier for organisations to identify skill gaps and plan professional development.
  3. Cross-functional integration: Marketing often overlaps with other disciplines such as IT, sales, and customer service. SFIA facilitates the integration of skills across these areas, fostering collaboration and innovation.
  4. Performance improvement: By applying SFIA skills, marketing professionals can enhance their performance in widely-used skills
  5. Career development: SFIA helps individuals map out their career paths by identifying the skills needed for different roles and levels, thus supporting professional growth and advancement.

Product management (PROD)

Illustrative application: A marketing manager oversees the development of a new product, from conceptualisation and market research to launch, growth strategies, and eventual retirement, ensuring the product meets market demands and organisational goals.

Data analytics (DAAN)

Illustrative application: A marketing team uses data analytics to assess customer behaviour, campaign performance, and market trends. By analysing structured and unstructured data, they can make informed decisions to refine marketing strategies.

Data science (DATS)

Illustrative application: A marketing analyst employs data science techniques, such as predictive modelling and machine learning, to forecast customer preferences and optimise targeted marketing efforts, enhancing customer engagement and conversion rates.

Business intelligence (BINT)

Illustrative application: The marketing department develops business intelligence reports to provide insights on market trends, competitor performance, and internal KPIs, aiding strategic decision-making and improving marketing effectiveness.

Content publishing (ICPM)

Illustrative application: A content manager streamlines the content creation and publishing process for a marketing campaign, ensuring that high-quality, engaging content is delivered consistently across all channels.

Governance (GOVN)

Illustrative application: The marketing team establishes governance frameworks to ensure marketing activities align with organisational policies, manage stakeholder expectations, and maintain regulatory compliance.

Risk management (BURM)

Illustrative application: The marketing team conducts a thorough risk assessment for entering a new international market, identifying potential legal, cultural, and logistical challenges, and developing contingency plans to address these risks and ensure a smooth market entry.

Project management (PRMG)

Illustrative application: A marketing manager manages a project to development and launch a new company website. This involves coordinating with IT, design, and content teams, managing timelines, budgets, and resources, and ensuring the project meets all milestones and quality standards.

User research (URCH)

Illustrative application: User researchers conduct studies to understand customer needs and behaviours, providing valuable insights that shape marketing strategies and improve customer satisfaction.

User experience design (HCEV)

Illustrative application: UX designers create prototypes and design concepts for a marketing website or app, ensuring a seamless and engaging user experience that enhances customer interaction and retention.

Supplier management (SUPP)

Illustrative application: A marketing manager negotiates with external vendors for advertising services, ensuring that supplier performance meets organisational standards for cost, quality, and delivery.

Sales support (SSUP)

Illustrative application: Marketing professionals provide the sales team with the necessary tools, information, and resources to effectively promote and sell products, enhancing overall sales performance.

Stakeholder relationship management (RLMT)

Illustrative application: A marketing lead manages relationships with key stakeholders, such as clients and partners, to align marketing initiatives with stakeholder expectations and achieve mutual benefits.

Sourcing (SORC)

Illustrative application: The marketing department sources third-party services, such as graphic design or market research, ensuring these services meet quality standards and are procured cost-effectively.

Performance management (PEMT)

Illustrative application: Managing and improving the performance of individuals and teams by setting clear objectives, providing regular feedback, and implementing development plans.  productivity and effectiveness.

Professional development (PDSV)

Illustrative application: Facilitating the professional growth of marketing team members by identifying career development opportunities, organising training programmes, and providing mentorship. This ensures that individuals' career aspirations align with organisational needs and enhances their skill sets for future roles.

Learning design and development (TMCR)

Illustrative application: Designing and delivering tailored training programmes for the marketing team to address skill gaps and enhance competencies. This involves creating engaging learning materials and workshops that foster knowledge transfer and behavioural change, ultimately improving team performance and capability.

Knowledge management (KNOW)

Illustrative application: Implementing knowledge management systems to capture, store, and share critical marketing insights and best practices. This ensures that valuable information is accessible to all team members, facilitating informed decision-making and continuous learning across the organisation.

Measurement (MEAS)

Illustrative application: The marketing team develops measurement frameworks to track the success of marketing initiatives, using metrics such as ROI, customer acquisition cost, and conversion rates to inform strategy adjustments.

Workforce planning (WFPL)

Illustrative application: Marketing leadership projects future staffing needs based on upcoming campaigns and market expansion plans, ensuring the team has the necessary skills and capacity to meet organisational goals.

Resourcing (RESC)

Illustrative application: The marketing department recruits and onboards new team members, ensuring the right mix of skills and expertise is available to support ongoing and future marketing initiatives.