The global skills and competency framework for the digital world

AI Skills to Automate, Assist, Augment


Using AI tools to automate, assist, augment


  • Relevant for a wide range of digital, data, technology, and cybersecurity professionals
  • Applies to roles that can benefit from AI-powered tools to enhance productivity and decision-making
  • Requires targeted training and support tailored to specific job functions and domains


  • Enables professionals to work more efficiently by automating routine tasks and processes
  • Empowers employees to make data-driven decisions and solve problems more effectively
  • Enhances the quality and consistency of work output across various domains
  • Frees up time for professionals to focus on strategic, creative, and value-added activities
  • Facilitates continuous learning and skill development as employees adapt to working with AI tools

For individual professionals

  • Embracing AI tools as a means to automate, assist, and augment your work may be crucial for being effective in your field.
  • By actively seeking opportunities to make the most of AI in your day-to-day tasks, you can improve your efficiency, make better-informed decisions, and deliver higher-quality results.
  • Continuous learning and adaptability are key to making the most of AI tools.

For managers/leaders

  • Encouraging and supporting your team in adopting AI tools is essential making the most of the opportunities to use AI effectively.
  • By providing targeted training, resources, and opportunities for your employees to work with AI, you can unlock their full potential and also mane risk associate with AI adoption.
  • Investing in AI skills development not only benefits individual employees but also contributes to the overall productivity and impact of your teams.

SFIA 9 skills to support individuals and teams to automate, assist and augment their work

SFIA 9 skill - name


SFIA skill - concise description

Illustrative application of the skill

Methods and tools METL Ensuring methods and tools are adopted and used effectively throughout the organisation. Evaluating and selecting AI tools that align with organisational policies, providing guidance on their use, and managing the review and improvement of these tools to ensure they deliver value.
Innovation INOV Identifying, prioritising, incubating and exploiting opportunities provided by information, communication and digital technologies. Identifying opportunities to use AI for predictive maintenance in manufacturing, preventing equipment failures.
Business process improvement BPRE Creating new and potentially disruptive approaches to performing business activities. Developing AI-driven customer service chatbots to handle routine inquiries and support tasks.
Specialist advice TECH Providing authoritative, professional advice and direction in a specialist area. Providing expert consultation on implementing AI algorithms for financial risk assessment.
Risk management BURM Planning and implementing organisation-wide processes and procedures for the management of risk to the success or integrity of the enterprise. Evaluating the risks associated with adopting AI tools for automation, assistance, and augmentation, and planning mitigation strategies.
Professional development PDSV Facilitating the professional development of individuals in line with their career goals and organisational requirements. Providing AI skills training and certification programs to upskill employees and enable them to effectively work with AI technologies.
Performance management PEMT Improving organisational performance by developing the performance of individuals and workgroups to meet agreed objectives with measurable results. Setting objectives for individual and team performance, including the use of AI tools to automate, assist and augment work processes.
Employee experience EEXP Enhancing employee engagement and ways of working, empowering employees and supporting their health and wellbeing. Providing personalised support and resources to ensure that all employees, regardless of their initial comfort level with AI, have the opportunity to effectively integrate AI tools into their workflows.
Job analysis and design JADN Planning, analysing, and designing job roles and structures to align with organisational goals and culture. Designing job roles that integrate AI technologies to optimise efficiency and job satisfaction.

Examples of professional roles and automate, assist, augment

These examples demonstrate how AI tools can automate routine tasks, assist with data-driven insights, and augment decision-making capabilities across various digital, data, technology, and cybersecurity roles. By adopting AI tools at the appropriate level, professionals can enhance their productivity, improve the quality of their work, and drive innovation in their respective fields.

1. Data Analyst

  • Automate: Use AI tools to automate data cleaning, pre-processing, and integration tasks, saving time and effort.
  • Assist: Leverage AI-powered data visualisation and reporting tools to identify patterns, trends, and insights more easily.
  • Augment: Apply machine learning algorithms to build predictive models and forecast future trends, enhancing decision-making capabilities.

2. Cybersecurity Specialist

  • Automate: Implement AI-driven security tools to automate threat detection, incident response, and vulnerability management processes.
  • Assist: Utilize AI-powered anomaly detection systems to identify potential security breaches and prioritise alerts for investigation.
  • Augment: Employ machine learning techniques to adapt to evolving threat landscapes and improve the accuracy of risk assessment and mitigation strategies.

3. Software Developer

  • Automate: Use AI-assisted code completion and generation tools to automate repetitive coding tasks and improve development speed.
  • Assist: Leverage AI-powered code review and optimisation tools to identify bugs, suggest improvements, and maintain code quality.
  • Augment: Incorporate machine learning libraries and frameworks to build intelligent features and enhance the user experience of software applications.

4. IT Service Desk Analyst

  • Automate: Implement AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants to automate routine customer inquiries and support requests.
  • Assist: Use AI-driven ticket classification and routing systems to streamline issue resolution and improve response times.
  • Augment: Apply machine learning algorithms to analyse support patterns and identify opportunities for proactive problem-solving and service improvements.

5. Digital Marketing Specialist

  • Automate: Employ AI-driven marketing automation tools to streamline campaign management, email marketing, and social media scheduling.
  • Assist: Use AI-powered analytics and reporting platforms to gain insights into customer behaviour, campaign performance, and return on investment.
  • Augment: Leverage machine learning algorithms for predictive customer segmentation, personalised content recommendations, and dynamic pricing optimisation.