Het wereldwijde vaardigheden- en competentiekader voor de digitale wereld


Selecteer een licentie

Licentie Beschrijving Jaarlijkse bijdrage
Accredited Practitioner licence Individual licence for those meeting SFIA Practitioner accreditation scheme requirements, including training £75.00
Accredited Consultant licence Individual licence for those meeting SFIA accreditation scheme requirements, including training £250.00
Non-Accredited Consultant licence Individual licence £500.00
Accredited Partner licence Single legal entity operating in one country, offering consultancy services £1750.00
Global Accredited Partner licence Group companies, or operating in multiple countries, offering consultancy services £3500.00
Mapping licence Single legal entity operating in one country, publicising the relationship between SFIA and their offering, e.g. qualifications or training; and/or with products specifically dependent on, or incorporating, SFIA £1750.00
Global Mapping licence As Mapping licence, but for group companies, or those operating in multiple countries £3500.00
Extended Corporate User licence For use in company groups, multiple legal entities or multiple government departments £1750.00
Accredited Consultant or Practitioner Application Fee Non-refundable fee to cover evaluating application to become an Accredited Consultant or Practitioner. £200.00
Evaluation Rate Card licence Evaluation purposes only - offered to Micro organisations for the first year only, in order to determine the value of SFIA for this purpose £100.00
Micro Rate Card licence Micro companies (1-10 employees and = EUR2m turnover or balance sheet) £250.00
SME Rate Card licence Small and Medium Enterprise organisations (11-250 employees and = EUR50m turnover or = EUR43m balance sheet) £750.00
Rate Card licence Single legal entity operating in one country £1750.00
Global Rate Card licence Group companies, or operating in multiple countries £3500.00

Een factuur betalen

Factuur nr Aantal
£ .00